السبت، 22 نوفمبر 2014

Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory-References

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Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory- Conclusion

Adult learning is an important facet of modern day education and as such, greater efforts should be made to ensure that it is successful. This paper set out to perform a detailed research on the various learning styles in existence. To this end, the paper has reviewed Silver and Hanson's learning style inventory and Kolb's theory of learning styles. Evidence in this paper shows that various adult learner show a preference for varying learning style preference. If an instructor fails to take into consideration the different learning styles that maybe constituent in his/her group, some of the learners are bound to suffer. A diverse teaching style should therefore be practiced to prevent this from happening. Also, it is evident from this paper that styles of learning if accommodated can improve attitude towards learning by the adult learner therefore leading to favorable results and satisfaction for not only the learner but also the teacher.  

Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory- Abstract

Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory- Abstract 


This paper explores the subject of Adult learners with particular bias to the various learning

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