الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

Mailbox: Research Question


Research Question
Walking through my neighborhood I noticed a number of mailboxes with various designs and shapes
. The boxes are strategically positioned according to the shapes and designs of the homesteads. In most cases I try to guess of stories about the owners and what one expects to find in their houses. It is interesting to find out that some of the stories I tell turn out to be true. Due to the dilemma of realizing that I could roughly figure out the personality of people by studying their mailboxes, I got the interest of carrying out a research on mailboxes and what their colors, designs, shapes, sizes and location have in common with their owners. As such, my research was guided by the research question;

·         Do mailboxes (their designs, shape, size, color, location) tell about a person’s personality?

The research is aimed at establishing whether there is a relationship between ones character, beliefs, fillings, hobbies, passion and dislikes and the design of mailbox he/she keeps in his/her homestead. I also aim at establishing some of the factors that determine the size, shape, color and design of these mailboxes. The approach of my study involves sampling various designs of mailboxes in relation to the personality of the owners. The research gives detailed analysis of the selected designs and the responses on views as collected from the owners. The study present these designs in picture form followed by an account of each design as recorded from the owners who I involved through methodologies such as interviews and questionnaires.

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