الأربعاء، 14 سبتمبر 2016

Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory-Discussion


One of the assertions that Kolb's makes is that learning is a continuous process grounded in experience (Knowles, Holton & Swanson, 2005).

Milestone: Introduction

 Milestone Exercise
Positive and Negative Experiences that Shaped My Life

There is a wise saying that once you sow your character, you reap your life. I totally agree with it, since the way my life goes is shaped by the key traits of my character and by the values that I learnt as a result of certain events. The experiences that have made me who I am now are both positive and negative, each of them contributing a special detail to the intricate scheme of my personality. This chronological narration describes the key events I value as crucial to the formation of my character and my life.

الأحد، 4 سبتمبر 2016

Adult Learning Styles: Discussion on Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles and Silver and Hanson's Learning Style Inventory-Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles

Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles

Kolb's theory of learning styles is one of the most well-known and applicable models of experiential learning. While this theory is not specific to adults only, its applicability in

الفارابي- التعريف بالفارابي


قيل عنه أنه فيلسوف المسلمين غير دافع
ولقد قال عنه ابن خلكان
أنه أكبر فلافسة المسلمين ولم يكن منهم من بلغ رتبته في فنونه
إنه الفارابي .. أول مفكر مسلم .... ولقد تربع على عرش الفلسفة بلا منازع